Data Legend Tools

If you want to link your own dataset, you first need to TRANSPOSE it to RDF. QBer helps you in an easy way to transpose your csv or excel file to RDF, basically it’s just point-and-click. If you are more accustomed to command-line tools or editing scripts, we offer COW, a CSV On the Web converter. It generates a basic script to transpose your data into RDF. By enhancing the script you can create more meaningful RDF.



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To help you get going we provide several vocabularies for the domain of social-economic history for you to REUSE. By reusing vocabularies similar data items will be described in the same vocabularies, making it easier to find and link data. Moreover, LSD-dimensions allows you to search for a wide range of other vocabularies on the semantic web.



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To see if your transpositions went well, you can visualize the data as a QUALITY CHECK. Use BRWSR to navigate a specific file or even the contents of a triplestore. Inspector also allows you to do the latter as well, but at a more aggregate level, e.g. which datasets are linked to eachother and by whom.


Quality Check


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Finally, you would like to combine your data with other data. To do so, you write a sparql QUERY, defining the common elements of interest across different datasets. We recommend YASGUI as a helpful tool to write such queries. However, writing SPARQL isn’t an innate ability to most of us. Therefore, we provide GRLC. GRLC is a tool that allows one to share queries across the web. So anyone could execute predefined queries. Moreover, part of SPARQL queries are easy to read (e.g. for which time period, country or language) and thus allow for adaptions of the SPARQL queries even by non-initiates.




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While all of the tools mentioned above can be used seperately, we provide an environment, where you can upload, STORE and combine your data with that of others: Druid. Druid is also a triple store, but a special, nearly magical one. For Druid allows for much more and much larger datasets to be stored than usual, expanding the options for connectivity of your data.


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